Welcome To
Nurse Master Charlie
This is the official Website for Nurse Master Charlie! This is where Nursing, & Education, & Music, & Health & PASSION come together!
A life steeped in Sound, Music, and Nursing!!!

Who is Nurse Master Charlie??
Hi there! Thank you for visiting my Nursing Education Website, Nursing Blog, Nursing Education Music Catalog, and Nursing Educational Video Website. I created this website for Nursing Students, Nurses, those aspiring to become a Nurse, and anyone who would just like to visit.
Nurse Master Charlie is my Musical Artist name, and also is my brand-name. It is a reference to the "old-school" emcee's or M C's, but also is a reference to my actual Nursing Degree... an MSN, or Master's of Science in Nursing, with a focus in Nursing Education. As of 2021 I have been REGISTERED NURSE for the past 18 years, and I have worked in an array of healthcare settings, from Hospitals, Clinics, to Correctional Facilities. I have also worked in a variety of settings: ICU, ER, Med-Surg, Infectious Diseases, Outpatient Clinics, Mental Health, and Management. In addition to being a NURSE, I was an X-Ray Technician for 10 years prior, where I worked for a Rheumatology practice and even an Chiropractic clinic. I started my career in the Healthcare sector originally as a medical assistant.
In addition to my passions of Nursing and Education, my other passion is MUSIC...writing, playing, songwriting and producing. I am a musician, singer / rapper/ songwriter, and music producer.
I've combined these passions and have created my own special and unique genre, niche of NURSING EDUCATIONAL MUSIC!
While in nursing school, I wrote my first 2 nursing songs, "QUIVERING LABIA BLUES", which is about precipitous birth, and "The TUBERCULOSIS Rap" song, which is about, Tuberculosis! When I decided to pursue creating an album, I re-recorded "Quivering Labia Blues song, but re-mastered the Tuberculosis Rap song to keep the feel of the original song.
All the songs that I have created and recorded, are available on ALL MUSIC STREAMING PLATFORMS. The Music and songs that I create in the future will also be available on all streaming platforms.
Many of my songs are available on YOUTUBE as lyric videos!!!
In addition to the Music, I create YouTube nursing topic related video. I film, edit, and produce my content videos as well as my lyric videos.
So, take your time and go thru my website, and email me for questions, comments, etc.
Be sure to share my website, YouTube videos, Nursing songs to everyone you would like.
Again...Thank you for visiting!!!

Nurse Master Charlie is musically gifted, and has the ability to transform disease related topics into songs that are clinically based, have memorable lyrics, and are served on a hip-hip/R&B plate of music. Nurse Master Charlie writes, performs, produces, and records all his music independently. Learn more by exploring the site, and feel free to get in touch with any of your comments and questions.

Nurse Master Charlie uses The KORG: TRITON, YAMAHA: MOTIF keyboard-workstations;The BOSS: DR-880, and AKAI XR 20 Drum machines; PRO-TOOLS recording software; and The DiGiDesign 002 Audio/Midi interface. These are the instruments, keyboards, drum machines, hardware/software and programs used to make the music / songs!!!